What are rituals?- Ritual (n): a solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order.
Rituals exist in every facet of our. lives and can be performed for a variety of reasons. Political- such as the Presidential Inauguration. Social- such as a wedding ceremony, graduation ceremony, or a sweet 16 birthday bash. Or religious- like a baptism or an Ifa initiation. In today’s modern society we tend to live very structured yet maniacal lives. For the most part we wake up, brush our teeth, take a shower, eat breakfast, and go to work. In the same fashion- Monday through Friday. A ritual. Any act or series of actions signified by a cue resulting in a desirable end goal- is a ritual.
What is a ritual as it relates to your Spiritual practice? It is simply a means to bring you into alignment. Tools to use to enhance your relationship with yourcellf and the highest divine. Sometime people misconstrue rituals as. a means to an end; in that if you perform said steps exact that you will manifest a physical facet. That isn’t the case at all.
Contrary to popular belief, we are not capable of casting spells, creating potions, that alters the timeline and purpose of the UNIverse. Any work that you do is cast unto YOU DIRECTLY. No amount of conspiracy or intention that you put into the air will affect any other human being. In fact, everything you put out returns only unto you. What makes the performance of Spiritual rituals effective is the intention. When you do things with a specific intention you will achieve that which you set out to do. If you are exercising with the intention to gain muscle, you’re more liable to lift heavy weights or do more reps. Your intention drives your action. Your intention drives your purpose. The rituals are performative, the magic you seek manifests from within.

Thus the intention behind the Spiritual rituals that you will find in this source, is to bring your mind, body, and soul into alignment with Spirit and enhance your relationship with God. Only a cohesive relationship with God by all exulting names can increase your sense of peace, love, self-worth, and connection to life.