What is Mindful Awareness?

It is the journey to understanding your mind’s eye and how it works.

Awareness is the consciousness that is gifted to us as the breath of life. Huemans have access to a higher form of consciousness that allows us to imagine and create. Awareness is the exercised ability to acknowledge your perception of cellph, thought, and/or feeling, whilst being cognizant of experience. Awareness is what allows us to understand actions and innerstand reactions. 

Mindfulness is how we navigate through our awareness. When we tap into mindfulness we are more cognizant of the consequences of our actions. In this way, we are led to maneuver with an effective and purposeful resolution mindset. 

Mindful Awareness is a pathway to understanding. A pathway to innerstanding. A pathway to joy. And a pathway to freedom. 

How do I tap into Mindful Awareness?

When we are born into this UNIverse, we forget the divinity from whence we came. Our mission here is to seek that divine once again. How do we do this ? By reconnecting. First with ourcellves through intentional cellph healing. Heightening our mental, emotional, and physical awareness. Navigating the ebbs and flows of leyefe with mindfulness of our actions, reactions, consequences, and manifestations. Then, reconnecting with the Universe through holistic living. Being kind to the Earth by taking care of the land, the animals, and each other. Lastly, through reconnecting with Spirit. Adhering to a God-centered Spiritual Practice. Living by the true laws of nature, and shunning confusing, demonic rhetoric meant to lead us astray from the peace and abundance we were born to know.

What is Spirit?

Spirit is life force. Another name for the energy of creation that resides with us. The manifestation of God. This energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transferred. It is one energy that manifests in different ways thus connecting everything within the Universe. Spirituality is simply a practice of grounding. Existing in a way that allows you to harvest and utilize your innate energy for your greatest good and by extension, the good of your surroundings. 

We are all living breathing manifestations of the wonders and splendors of God.

Holistic Nurture

Blogs centered around intentional Cellph healing and becoming one with your ori.

Holistic Nature

Blogs centered around living in community with earth and the universe.

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