“Grasping The Root of Divine Power” by Hru Yuya T. Assaan-Anu

“Grasping The Root of Divine Power” is an important read for its intended audience. It does an amazing job of stripping any of the misplaced negative stereotypes on black spirituality by explicitly divulging into Ifa rituals, pantheons and understandings.

“We are all birthed into this world accompanied by a personal guardian Orisha who, infact, is our truest self; the source of our energy. Your ORI is YOU and YOU are your ORI.”

“Grasping The Root of Divine Power,” is one of the more informative reads in the Chronicle arsenal. This book is very subjective as written from an Ifa spiritual perspective and with a specific audience being black people. Assaan-Anu does an amazing job of giving the reader the most insight towards spiritual enlightenment with Ifa guidance, whilst speaking in layman’s terms that someone with little to no knowledge on the subject matter could still stand to follow.

Assaan-Anu separates important information into shorter digestible chapters such as male vs. female divine energies, source energy, light vs dark energy, how to cast for divination, how to clean yourself and your home for divination, Orishas, and Ori amongst a plethora of other subject matters. He gives a substantial amount of insight into how numbers and words work together to create intrinsic understanding, for example throughout the book he writes “universe” as “ u-n-i-verse.” He explains that he processes the universe as the space that lies in between all recognizable matter that connects all things in existence to one another. YOU-AND-I-VERSE allows the reader to understand that the connection to the greater unknown is not outside of us but the source of energy within both you and me. In another example, he uses the number “01” to refer to the idea of oneness. He explains that “0” represents all things, and nothing alike, therefore, making it all-inclusive and personified by wombmyn. The “1” represents the driving intention that brings itself into being through its will to move forward and is personified by males. Therefore note the internal and external need for divine male and female energies to create balance. Even notice how he spells wombmyn. Assaan-Anu likens aspects of known black living to parts of the world such as blood vs. river flow, melanin vs sunlight, and our consciousness as Ori. He does a great service in teaching how black people relate to divine forces, how black people are made to navigate the cosmos, and how black people can develop a relationship with one’s inner spirit in order to maintain peace, clarity, and a healthy relationship with all levels of reality. 

“Grasping The Root of Divine Power” is an important read for its intended audience. It does an amazing job of stripping any misplaced negative stereotypes on black spirituality by explicitly divulging into Ifa rituals, pantheons, and understandings. I’m giving this read a 10/10 for density, flow, and subject matter.

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